Data Visualization

Global Energy Consumption

Project Overview


Find a dataset of interest and produce 6-8 related visualizations summarizing the major findings with precise explanation.


Analyze historical data that records global energy consumption to forecast future trends in energy usage and further investigate which sources of energy produce the least amount of CO2 emissions, with the goal of offering more practical and sustainable energy initiatives and planning in the future based on certain findings.


Utilize 30 years (1990-2021) of historical energy data provided by the Statistical Review of World Energy to analyze global energy consumption, consumption by energy source, consumption per capita, and CO2 emissions released from each energy type over time for the 47 participating countries recorded in the dataset. In Jupyter, use various Python modules to merge and clean the extracted datasets, find patterns of energy usage by country, historical correlations between different energy sources and the resulting CO2 emissions, and visualize forecasted CO2 emissions and trending sources of energy in the future.

Project Presentation - Slide Deck

GitHub Repository - Global Energy Consumption

Dependencies and Setup

import pandas as pd

import osimport csv

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.stats import linregress

import scipy.stats as st

import numpy as np

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

Data Modeling

Data Analysis

What are the most common energy sources? How has this changed over time?

Oil products are historically the most common source of energy

Electricity has seen an exponential increase over the past 30 years

*Nuclear data was lost in data preprocessing, this significantly impacts our results and analysis and removes a crucial portion of data necessary to accurately report on the most common and sustainable sources of energy.

Based on the historical data, energy consumption has seen an exponential increase over the past 30 years with dips during recorded historical economic recessions (2008 housing crisis and 2020 COVID-19). Availability and commercialization of each energy source plays a role in its total consumption globally (not every country has access to specific energy sources, etc.). For example, the oil industry is very large, explaining their dominance in global energy consumption.

Does an increase in energy consumption impact the distribution of energy sources among specific countries? 

→ Energy consumption for specific countries tend to follow a very similar pattern to global trends

→ Oil products are more commonly consumed and electricity has seen a substantial growth in the recent decade

Multiple countries have strong positive correlations between their electricity production and various outcomes, indicating a consistent pattern of reliance on electricity as a significant energy source.

Does an increase in energy consumption impact our global carbon footprint? 

GitHub Repository